Little abstract works by painter & printmaker
Marnie Ross
Top image: Marnie Ross; Bottom image: Works by Marnie Ross. Photos courtesy of the artist.
GOST is delighted to announce Marnie Ross has joined GOST. I first met Marnie at the Other Art Fair in Sydney and could see she was very popular as visitors crowded in to talk to her about her little paintings. I eventually had a chat, gave her my card and said to pop in next time she visited Canberra. As it was, Marnie did visit and we chatted about all things small. We went in a different direction as she asked me later on if I’d like to be a judge for The Little Things Art Prize. Of course, I said yes and then a year passed before I suddenly realised we still hadn’t chatted about her joining GOST! Luckily, she said yes and we couldn’t have timed it better with her recent visit to Central Australia. We are lucky to have 5 of her artworks from this tour and live vicariously through Marnie’s travels.
It’s those little connections that make this special and Marnie fits into our new feature artist concept introduced last month (May). We will feature an artist every now and then with works especially created for the Gallery which means you get the chance to see (and purchase) a unique artwork/s and experience a new way of collecting art.
To read more about Marnie please visit her artist page which tells you more about the works she has created for GOST. We have created a little video (see below) of her artworks and photos of her recent trip so you too can go on a virtual exhibition and holiday!