Lee Leibrandt | Shadow Lines Studies and Woolshed Sampler GOST_Lee Leibrandt_Shadow Lines Study II_low res.jpg

Lee Leibrandt | Shadow Lines Studies and Woolshed Sampler

from A$185.00
Kylie Walsh  | unframed woven artworks GOST_LHS room with Nic Mason_Liz Taverner_Minky Grant_Donna Longobardi_Jacqueline Lewis_ohheygrace_Jennifer Kemarre Martiniello_low res.jpg

Kylie Walsh | unframed woven artworks

from A$160.00
Lee Leibrandt | Mini Florals GOST_landscape layout for shop_Lee Leibrandt_Mini Floral_in bloom_Lavender_low res.jpg

Lee Leibrandt | Mini Florals
