Nic Mason | Clarice Beckett Project | unframed Paintings

Nic Mason | Clarice Beckett Project | unframed Paintings


Medium | Acrylic on cardboard (cornflakes packaging), unframed

Image Size | 25 × 18 cm | Light in the kitchen II; 18 × 25 cm A glaze of windows I and II

A little bit more | Nic Mason has a produced a series paintings from the “Conversations with Clarice Beckett’s response” project with the Orange Regional Gallery and National Gallery of Art. Read her artist statement here to find out more about this project along with the Ironbark Residency at The Railway Hotel and the Squatter’s Residency both also in Central West, NSW. It’s a fascinating insight into Nic’s practice as an artist, spending time in the interiors of these spaces and working with 7 artists as part of a multi collaborative project.

All exhibition artworks come with a printed Catalogue, price list, CV, Artist Statement and Biography

Shipping | Please select custom shipping so Anne can send you a separate invoice.

Photos | Courtesy of the Artist; rest in the gallery Anne Masters

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