Kylie Fogarty | Racing the Daytime Moon

Kylie Fogarty | Racing the Daytime Moon


Titles | Racing the Daytime Moon

Materials | hand drawn with archival pigment pen, original work on paper, 300gsm Fabriano paper, framed

Size | 33 x 2 x 33 cm (framed size)

A little bit more:
I have been infatuated with drawing from a young age. Enabling a simplification of subject matter, I find it is a great catalyst for interpretation, a tool for narration in which to express and explore atmosphere, time, and place.

This drawing is from “Azure Assurances – A Book of Pictured Poetry” by Crystal A Davis. Kylie’s artworks accompany the poetry.

Another artwork from this book is also available to purchase and would make a lovely pair. Click here to view Desert Bound.

All artworks come with a printed Artist Statement and Biography

Photos | Anne Masters

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