Al Munro | Vertical Fold Series | Wallworks

Al Munro | Vertical Fold Series | Wallworks
Title | Vertical fold series
Medium | Acrylic paint on archival box board and plywood
Size |
140 (h) x 5 (w) x 6 (d) cm | #1 (greens), #2 (turquoises) (SOLD) and #11 (slim blues)
142 (h) x 20 (w) x 3 (d) cm | #7 (wide purple/reds/pinks)
140 (h) x 10 (w) x 5.5 (d) cm | #6 (greens), #9 (greys) (SOLD) and #12 reds
A little bit extra about the art | This work is part of Al Munro’s ongoing investigation of the interaction of colour, pattern and space in painting. As the viewer moves around each work, areas of pattern are either revealed or hidden, allowing the experience of the pattern, colours and forms to change according to the viewer’s position. This activates the viewer’s experience of the space and time of the painted vertical folded surface.
SHIPPING IN AUSTRALIA ONLY | please select custom shipping quote. Anne will be in contact with a quote which covers shipping, insurance and packaging. If you live in Canberra or nearby, you can collect the artwork in person too.
All artworks come with a printed Artist Statement and Biography
Photos | photos in the home Anne Masters