“My approach to clay and the ideas and aesthetic qualities I wish to convey are very much about revealing the activity of making. My process involves hand rolling and texturing fine  coils in which the form and the surface textures are created simultaneously. I frequently use the vessel form to pursue my interest in creating pattern and texture, and enjoy the way light hitting the surfaces of the unglazed porcelain will also create visual interest. Variation in surface is also achieved through exploration of positive and negative space,  creating spaces or removing small segments of clay to allow light to move through and around the form. Inspiration from the natural world is very often a springboard for ideas, from which I then proceed to work in a rather intuitive way. Observations and thoughts about my environment, as well as my love of textiles and basketry intersect and inform my work.”

Julie Pennington began her career in education, completing a Bachelor of Education at the then Canberra College of Advanced Education. She later moved into the design field working as a textile designer, before discovering ceramics and completing  a Diploma of Ceramics at Moss Vale TAFE in 2010. A residency at Sturt Craft Centre, Mittagong in 2013 marked the beginning of a more sculptural focus to Julie's ceramic practice. She has exhibited in many group exhibitions, and had her first solo show in 2016 at Mu Studio Gallery, Sydney. Julie has been a finalist in a number of Ceramic Competitions, and was the winner of the Significant 3D Award at Stanthorpe Art Award in 2016. Most recently Julie received the Scott Brickworks Award at the 2018 North Queensland Biennial Ceramic Awards. Julie has recently moved to Canberra after living and working in the Southern Highlands for many years.

Julie Penington