Small and Humble | GOST goes to Humble House gallery
Small and Humble
9 July to 2 August
Contemporary Australian art visits China at Humble House gallery (HHg).
Main top image: Small and Humble; Above image: Interior of Humble House gallery.
9 July - 2 August
Opening Night and Pre-sales launch: Thursday 8pm, Thursday 9 July
GOST goes to Humble House gallery in Fyshwick, Canberra for a special collaboration bringing together contemporary art in a traditional Chinese setting. Nine artists have been invited to participate in a special group exhibition that is ‘small and humble’. We are thrilled that HHg Owners Roger and Weilian Carter and Exhibition Manager Kylie Fogarty have provided a unique, dedicated art gallery space for our artists to make small and large works.
Anne Masters and Roger Carter met in 2019 through Kylie Fogarty in her role at HHg. Both businesses connected well with a mutual goal to support artists in their professional arts practices. The spaces are independently run with a focus to exhibit artists from Australia. Each gallery has unique exhibition programs with GOST having a smaller schedule compared to HHg’s year-long program. GOST is relatively new on the arts scene and will turn 3 in September this year. Humble House gallery has more than 20 years’ experience in antiques and interior décor and this unique collaboration demonstrates how galleries are becoming more diverse and working together to create a sustainable arts industry.
Please note that there will be no physical opening drinks and nibbles. Instead, an online launch will occur at 8pm, Thursday 9 July. You can visit in person from Friday 10 July until the exhibition closes 4pm, Sunday 2 August.
This exhibition has closed.