EASS 2021 @ GOST

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Group show

27 May - 13 June 2021

Emerging Artist Support Scheme (EASS) show

Gwen Courtney holding one of her artworks, Mel Hill Photography

Gwen Courtney holding one of her artworks, Mel Hill Photography

27 May to 13 June | 7 days a week

At GOST, we are thrilled to host the 3rd EASS show.

We have awarded 5 graduates from the Australian National University Art + Design School to show new works in our tiny gallery.

They have all been working hard to create a small selection of artworks and we even had some fun with a complimentary photoshoot from GOST. This was a chance for the artists to have their portraits taken in order to have images for future use in promoting themselves. We think it’s important to mentor artists to become confident, practicing professionals.

Exhibiting artists include:

Jane Bodnaruk, Greta Cooper, Gwen Courtney, Chin-Jie Melodie Liu, and Sasha Tyler.                                                                                     

A Catalogue will be released at 11am, Friday 28 May and you will be able to click through it in this space.


27 Wade Street

Watson ACT 2602


Seven days a week 11am to 4pm
27 May to 13 June inclusive
(online catalogue | 11am, 28 May)