Autumn news | April 2024
Autumn news | April 2024
Recently, I saw Discovering Ancient Egypt at the National Museum of Australia in Canberra and can highly recommend this. Tip - follow the red signage/timeline around the gallery, then do the middle where the objects are. Have a break and visit the cafe for yummy toasted sambos,cakes and a cuppa.
Save the dates!
Our next Pop-up is all about fashion!
We are very excited to be introducing a new designer who has recently moved from Sunny Brisbane to Cool Canberra!
We will reveal all in the May GOST news but for now save the Canberra long weekend 25-27 May (Saturday, Sunday and Monday) for a chance
to meet Kathy and her range of clothing
for Autumn / Winter.
Autumn curation
We have curated an Autumn feel as Canberra starts to go into a seasonal change.
It's a lovely time of the year as leaves go yellow, orange and red. It's also a perfect time to visit as the weather continues its mild days with blue skies and cooler evenings.
We have a range of artworks so pop in to see the new look or go online anytime.
What to drink!
These drinking sets are quite popular. They are made by local artist Jacqueline Lewis in her studio just up the road from our gallery. This set, hot out of the kiln, has a 'chocolate' like glaze which is Tenmoku. The Chun brings out a violet flash in the firing process. All I can say is get in quick!
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